Wednesday, April 10, 2013


 MARITZA IS COOL, AND AMAZING. SHE ROCKS , SHES THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Thursday, April 4, 2013


why are people so perfect ? Iam not talking of being pretty and havenig the perfect body, or people with alot of cloth and money Iam talking of the perfect people who are smart good in sports or just simply have a weird talent. I mean I have nothing ! I love playing basketball but I aint good at it, I love volleyball and soccer but I aint good at it either, I love to sing but iam also not good at it. I have no weird talent and iam  not even close to being smart. I feel so out of at. Iam not saying I want to be perfect I just wish I could just be good at something to just simply make y parents proud, To just have friends/family who tell me good job or your so good, just something, I never get stuff like that on the other hand my brother ALWAYS always gets that, Yeah, Iam proud and happy that he is super good at soccer but my dad and mom completly ignore me and alawya jump into my brother all they talk about is how good he is at soccer and how smart he is at math. I feel left out. They also always talk of how he learned english way better and faster than I did. That breaks me, I mean I try I so hard for someone to once say that, But it just cant seem to happen. I just wat to be good in something or just make someone feel happy and proud of me .