Monday, March 18, 2013


So, Hi my name is Maritza, I'm writing about Neftali Jatzel Flores Gonzales known as Tali , yeah I love that girl . We used to hate eachother back in Middle School, but later on we became bestfriends. It's not a typical friendship that any girl claims to have. My friendship with this girl is different, unique ,we're more like sisters. We fight and protect eachother .My life would be boring without her, honestly. My family has met her family , her family has met mine. My family loves her, because she's no stuck-up, and pretends to be someone who she isn't. I just tell her , we should hang out, and she never lags on me, and is willing to do anything to make me happy, and not see me sad . I wouldn't trade her for anyone else in this cruel world!

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