Monday, February 18, 2013

Forgive and forget

        I dated this guy for a year . On and off but it was a year . We meant everything for eachother (thats what I thought) I loved that kid so much, I couldnt seem to get enought of him . We had ALOT of fights but we always managed to get throught them like a couple . The kid meant everyhting to me at the time , But after a while the loved faded away, the fight we had were dead serious, we would call us bad names, and stop talking for a long time I could see we were fadeing away . If he told me I love you butterflyes wouldnt come to my stomach , The feeling just wasnt the same . We would always have this little "breaks", But On november 7th the day of our annevarsity we had  a BIG fight It was really sad ! Mostly because it was the day of our one year anniversity & his birthday I had thought I did something wrong so I send him the biggest lettter ever saying  how much iam sorry and happy birthday and happy one year anniversity He onyl replaid with "I dont think I want to be with you anymore" I felt like my life was over I was dead I didnt even know what to do. One week later I heard he allready had a girlfriend I broke down . Its like 'us' never ment anything to him ! Time past from when I found that out and he messaged me saying I looked gorgeous, I could have been like Fuck you go away But instead I said thank you , after that He started being all mean messageing me really mean stuff, I didnt know what was going on with him because I hadnt talked to him ever since we broke up wich was 2 months ago. I answerd mad cussing him out, He started saying more mean shit I just decided to block him. Time passed & I was happy I had forgoten about him.But then he comes along on twitter talking more crap saying that I never meant shit to him and that our relationship was just bullcrap . I cryed and cryed but while crying I still talked crap to him, I couldnt be mean i dont know why But I couldnt, But I guess he could because he was talking ALOT of crap! It got me really down, and he saw it did . he felt like he was the bug guy in the picture but really he was just makeing a fool of himself, He looked pathetic ! I mean If he was soo over me he wouldnt even be talking to me and he would be happy with his girlfriend ! Long story short Its so wierd how you can go from loving a person SO MUCH  to HATEING them SO MUCH. It  sucks and I wouldnt like to say I hate someone I use to love but feeling chaange and people change the onyl thing that dosent change are the memories but memories, memories are the past and You just want to look to your future !
    Forgive and forget is what Iam telling myself . Forgive his mistake and all the crap he ever said It hurts and youll always have that pain in your heart no matter how much time passes, or happy things happen youll always remebeer the pain.So just forgive and try and forget. FORGIVE AND FORGET .

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