Saturday, February 16, 2013

Keep up, Dont give up .

 Do you ever just feel like ending everyhting ? Like just dissapearing forever, Or to simply fall asleepe camly and never ever wake up ever again ? Life its tought . Sometimes you cant seem to keep up with it, seems like the only solution is to give up . & just leave everyhting .  You dont care who will miss you or who will be sad, because at this time that you are alive & suffering, needing help noone seems to give a fuck . Noone seems to care or even try to help . Life is just fucked up , & you cant  figure out what to do. Crying at midnight, frusterated, and depressed. Haveing no clue if its worth to stay alive to see if life will bring you something good tommorrow morning Because all it seems to bring to you is frusteration, heartbreaks, mistakes, everyhting you could imagine BUT JUST NOTHING GOOD COMES ALONG FOR YOU. Life is thought But I been learning to keep up with it. Always haveing that one thought behaind my mind of letting go, ending everyhting and haveing no more frusteration, being free of the world . But life aint like that, you got take the test first then the lesson . Keep up and try your best .


                                                                                         -Tali .

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